About Me

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9

My faith has always been an important part of my life. I grew up attending St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, St. Paul’s Lutheran Grade School, and Saint Paul Lutheran High School, all in Concordia, Missouri. Each of these institutions has helped to foster my faith and encourage me as I grew physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I always valued learning more about my faith in my schools, and that was ultimately why I chose to continue my education at Concordia University. I loved that I could grow in my relationship with God while I also studied to help future students do the same.

My family has been another major anchor in my life. My mom works at Saint Paul as the School Liaison, my oldest sister works at Wilson-McShane in Kansas City, MO, my other sister attends The University of Missouri – Kansas City Medical School, and my brother-in-law works for his family’s dairy farm. Before my dad passed away in 2009, he served the Concordia community through his small business and by being an active member of the St. Paul’s School Board and PTA. Most of my extended family also lives in and around Concordia, so I grew up knowing and spending time with my aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousin.

Music is one last key part of my life. Every year since fifth grade, I filled my time with every extra-curricular I could: volleyball, basketball, cheerleading, and band in grade school; football cheerleading, golf, basketball, track, band, choir, National Honor Society, Student Government, drama, and part-time jobs in high school; and band and part-time jobs in college. The one constant over the last 12 years was always band. I have always enjoyed playing the trumpet for school groups, but especially for church services, weddings, and the occasional funeral. I’ve enjoyed growing as a musician at Concordia, and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon!

I truly appreciate you taking the time to read through my portfolio! If you have any questions for me, check out my resume for my contact information.

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