Flotation in Swimming – The Forgotten Technique Modifier – Again, as a swimmer myself, I am very intrigued about how much science applies to swimming efficiently. This site explains how Archimedes’ Principle applies to swimming and the factors/implications buoyancy and forces have when one swims.
How to Float in a Swimming Pool – Physics of Swimming – This video provides further visuals for the application of Archimedes’ Principle in swimming, specifically with floating. This video also explained why babies float better than even fit people would, something we’ve discussed in Child Development, making sense again due to Archimedes’ Principle.
Archimedes and a Boat Lift – I found the design of this boat lift to be very intriguing. I think this video clearly explains the science of the balanced boat achieved by the physics of the design.
Buoyancy in the Air – My previous examples all involved displacement in fluid, so it was very informative to learn about the effects within the air. This video applies Archimedes’ Principle to air with the example of a hot air balloon.