Color is something that is constantly assessed and observed in everyday life, but we take its intricacies for granted so often. The science of color is one that is complex, reminding us that there really is more than meets the eye, as everything we see involves different colors and various processes to see and process in our minds.
Why is the Sky Blue?: This article provides a great description and visuals for a common question, one that I still ask at times. This site would be great to share with my future students, as well, since they may wonder about such questions. The article specifically explains the effects of color waves.
New Frontiers for Color: This article centers around non-spectral colors, like magenta, which was discussed during our course. However, the article more specifically talks about how non-spectral colors are helpful for purposes such as medical imaging and security purposes.
The Science of Color Perception: This video provides some fabulous visuals for the wavelengths (physics) of color that dictates everything we see and perceive.
The Chemistry of Color: This video includes a lot of aesthetically-pleasing uses and examples of color. It was interesting to look at the chemical composure of a variety of colors and to hear about the history of how some colors came to be.