Unit 4 Links

Baking – I knew that much of baking involves chemistry through the various reactions of particular ingredients, but this article demonstrated the physics that allows all of it to happen. I enjoyed exploring how heat travels to the center, why different items are baked in certain temperature ranges, and the 9 stages. Baking really is a science!

How Microwaves Work – I appreciate how explanatory and visual this video is. I would have never placed that magnets are located within prior to watching this video. It is crazy to me how much physics goes on in the 30 seconds I heat up my breakfast!

Fire Science – This video starts with a review of the characteristics of fire that we talked about in class. In then talks about whether fire is a solid, liquid, or a gas. While phase changes were emphasized last chapter, I think this video provides expansion for learning about fire, especially interesting as I have the candle on my desk lit!

Marshmallow Toasting Science – This article provides perspective on heat transfer as applied to toasting the marshmallow. It talks about the glowing coals (electromagnetic transfer – radiation), the Malliard reaction, and the puffing process of the marshmallow.