Unit 7 Links

Indescribable Video – This is a more theological resource, but it includes Louie Giglio sharing images and explaining the vastness of the universe, with reference to Psalm 19. This video embraces our faith in a great God, who we trust as creator! As someone who holds to Theistic Science, this video provides comfort that my faith rests in a great God. I trust His Word to inform my understanding.

Religious Groups’ Views on Evolution – I found this compilation and list of different denominational beliefs regarding creation and evolution to be interesting. I was curious about understandings beyond the LCMS in thinking about science and religion.

40% of Americans Believe in Creationism – These graphs and statistics are very revealing, as they demonstrate the correlation between creation/evolution and education status, church attendance, and religious affiliation.

The Christian Man’s Evolutionism – I wanted to read something from a differing perspective so that I may be aware of what is around me. I did not realize that evolution is used to help explain evil and suffering in Christian thought.