Performance Appraisal and Retention Strategies/ HR

Performance Appraisal and Retention Strategies

MPH 548:

By Costa Ndayisabye

Professor: Dr. Hollie Pavlica

August 16, 2015

Performance Appraisal and Retention Strategies

Ms. Viki Bailey is an educator of infectious disease prevention at the Highland Park Public Health Department. Her role is to plan and implement activities that involve providing briefing to middle schools students and strategies to prevent infectious diseases. Vicki is supervised by the District Public Health Manager, Mr. Costa Ndayisabye, to whom she is accountable. Every six months I conduct Ms. Viki’s performance appraisal following Texas public health guidelines. On June 30, 2015, I employed two performance appraisal formats to conduct Ms. Viki Bailey’s semi-annual evaluation. The first form (See Form 1) was a questionnaire to assess if Ms. Viki was still attached to her work expectations and to evaluate how she projected her future achievements. The second form (See Form 2) had a direct rate format that was conducted by the direct supervisor.

Employees are one of the most significant assets for an organization. Knowing how employees are executing their tasks, what challenges they might have, and where their strengths are, is a better way to keep the organization aligned with its mission and goals. It is, therefore, very important to managers within an organization to conduct employee performance assessments to whether or not employees are meeting their expectations in regard to the company’s priorities. Fried and Fottler (2011) state that, “the intensive use of labor and the variability in professional practice require that leaders in the healthcare field manage the performance of the people involved in the delivery of services” (p. 3).

Currently, the healthcare market is characterized as having a high shortage of healthcare professionals, while the demand of health services is tremendously increasing. The high number of complaints behind the quality of health services is alarming and has become major problem. One of strategies to increase productivity in healthcare institutions is to regularly conduct employee performance assessments, which can bring to the table an individual’s consideration on the aspect of work and revealemployees’ behaviors. In the article “Why Organizations Do Employee Performance Evaluation” Heathfield (2015) stated that performance appraisal serves as both an evaluation and communication tool between managers and employees. Effective performance management helps to protect employees from doing wrong; conversely, it protects the organization from failures.

Effective performance appraisal should include essential elements that regularly tackle employees’ work environment based on their job responsibilities and ethics. What an employee can do well today, can be different from what he or she can do tomorrow. Employees’ performance may be influenced with various factors within and without of the organization. Managers should routinely conduct assessments to ensure employees are getting what they expected from the first day of hire and, in return, the organization is meeting maximum expectations from its employees. The article “Performance Management” published by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) states that “Planning means setting performance expectations and goals for groups and individuals to channel their efforts toward achieving organizational objectives” (n.d.). It is very important to the human resource department to design a performance appraisal consist with the organization’s mission and goal. A reactive performance management should include a reasonable investigation, formal meeting, plan that gives employee the opportunity to improve within a determined period, review process and set alternative strategies (Flint, 2014).

Once an effective performance appraisal is conducted, managers can design strategies that would enhance employees’ expectations. Strategies may include rewarding employees for their performance and training those who drifted from their responsibilities due to insufficient skills or showing inadequate work performance. Outcomes from effective performance management can enhance employees’ attitudes toward the organization and reduce turnovers. According to Aylen (2015) employees’ performance appraisal helps managers to successfully implement employee retention within an organization. Therefore, it is essential for managers, to have in their priorities a systematic employee assessment plan to create a suitable environment conducive to organizational success.

Concisely, effective performance management is one that reflects the ideal purpose to motivate employees to exhibit their thoughts regarding work performance. Performance management is a tool for the organization to create an effective communication system between managers and employees on a regular basis. Furthermore, performance management is a vital review process to ensure both organization and employees’ expectations are successfully being achieved.

Due to the robust impact effective performance management has to organizational development, it is very important to involve everyone who contributes to the active life of the organization. I would recommend that the upper management team support the HR department in designing an organized performance plan. The organization should design a formal performance appraisal that will be conducted within a period of time preferably quarterly and day-to-day verbal performance appraisal, and to document the most sensitive findings to the organizational development team.

  1. Form 1

Town of Highland Park


EMPLOYEE NAME: Viki Bailey                                                             EMPLOYEE ID: 1975

DEPARTMENT: Infectious Disease Prevention                                  Title: Educator


Attention: This questionnaire should be filled by employee

Name of employee: Position:
Time period spent in current position:
State and analyze five goal set for last six months
Goals Analysis Achieved (yes/no)
Ensure the reduction of infectious disease among students



Equip schools with appropriate education materials regarding infection diseases Yes
Form students’ clubs against infectious diseases No
Conduct competitions on strategies to prevent infectious disease Yes
State some goals for the next six months

a)     Ensure all schools within the town are equipped with skills regarding infectious disease prevention

b)    Ensure teachers are active to support their students to implement hygienic behaviors

c)     Conduct survey on infectious disease prevalence among students.

What are the best aspects about your job? To contribute to students’ health improvement among children
What are the worst aspects about your job? Too much work
Which things could be done to improve your job satisfaction? Have more support from the management
What further training or experience would be beneficial in the improvement of your job performance? Infectious disease surveillance
Employee sign name and date: Viki Bailey, June 30, 2015.
Supervisor’s comments: The employee met her expectations. As recommendations the HR office should plan for Mr.Viki’s training on infectious disease surveillance. Management should involve community volunteers to help the employee to reach her goal.

Adapted from Sample Forms (2015)



Aylen, C. (2015). Employee retention strategies: What is performance profiling? Retrieved from

Flint, J. (2014). Seven steps to effective performance management. Retrieved from

Fried, B.J., and Fottler, M.D. (2011). Fundamentals of Human Resources in Healthcare.

Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Heathfield, S. (2015). Why organizations do employees performance evaluation. Retrieved from


HR Florida International University (2007). Staff performance appraisal. Retrieved from

Office of Personnel Management (n.d.). Performance management. Retrieved from

Sample Forms (2015). Performance appraisal form template. Retrieved from




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