Freshman Year 2014-2015
October 16, 2014, I went into a seventh grade math class at Seward Middle School. I observed Rachel Kluthe teach her students about the fish method.
November 6, 2014, I went into a high school Physiology class at Seward High School. I observed Pat Piskorski administer a test, plus I helped grade some papers.
From January 22, 2015, through February 19, 2015, every Thursday and Friday, I went into an Information Technology Applications class at Seward High School. I observed Tom Widler teach multiple things in Microsoft Word, observed a test administered and I got to teach a couple things in the class as well.
From March 17, 2015, through April 28, 2015, every Tuesday, I went to Seward High School at night to help with their tutoring program. I helped students with homework from all different subjects, I kept the students in line when they were acting up and I helped the observing teacher, Becky Kromminga, grade papers.
Sophomore Year 2015-2016
April 15-17, 2016, I had the opportunity to go to Camp Luther in Schyuler, NE, for their “His Kid’s” Camp. The camp consisted of a bunch of us college students going down to the camp for the weekend. We were buddied up with some young adults who had disabilities. We spent Friday night learning about our buddies. Saturday morning our buddies got there and we spent the rest of the time with them. We did all sorts of outdoor activities and bunch of indoor ones too since the weather was not the best.