Philosophy of Education

I believe that teachers should learn about their students to make relationships with them. That way the students can feel comfortable around their teachers and come to us if they have something that is bothering them.


I want to be able to tell the Good News of our Lord and His beloved son. That He gave the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. I want them to understand what it means to be loved as much as God loves us.


I want to keep my students safe from harms’ way if there were something that came upon us. I want them to know that I would do anything to save them.


I believe I can show God’s love for my students through my actions and deeds no matter the setting or circumstances.


I want my students to know that they are smart, and that they can do anything they want. If they put their minds to it, they will accomplish anything.


Ultimately, I want my students to succeed. I want to be the best teacher that I can possibly be, for them.


I believe in the classroom that the teacher needs to set grounds rules from the get go, so the students know what I except of them right away.

children in pe

I want my students to know that I am here for them, if they have anything that is bothering them that they should feel safe to tell me. I want to help them with everything they need, even if it does not have to do with things in the classroom.


I believe the classroom should be a sacred place for the students to be free to be themselves, no matter what that looks like, everyone will accept them.


I do not want bullying in my classroom, my students will know this from the beginning, and if there is teasing of one another I will not accept that kind of behavior.


In my physical education classes, the students will understand that I care about their health and well-being. I want them to be the best they can possibly be.


I believe all students need to be healthy. They need to exercise and eat right, if I can get them to understand this then they will hopefully keep this philosophy throughout their lives.


I believe as the teacher I need to be the ultimate role model for them. If I tell them that they need to exercise and eat right, then I need to practice what I preach.


Ultimately, I want to leave a mark on my students. I want them to remember me when they are thinking of their futures. I want them to remember all the advice I will give them, maybe even use my jokes. 🙂