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CUNE Field Experience

I had several experiences in the classroom during my years at Concordia. I have observed, aided, and led students in classroom discussion, one on one instruction, and music activities. The experiences that I participated the most in were at Seward Elementary, St. John’s Lutheran School, Seward Middle School, and Milford Elementary.

I did field experience at Seward Elementary in the Fall of 2016. My cooperating teacher was Mr. Adam Janda and the class was 3rd grade music. This classroom experience was the first time I really got my feet wet in the classroom. I participated with the students every class and built relationships with the kids. I helped Mr. Janda by navigating the SmartBoard and accompanying a few songs. Towards the end of my time there, I got to teach a song to the students that they sang at their Veterans Day Concert.

In the Spring of 2017, I did my field experience at St. John’s Lutheran School in Seward. My cooperating teacher was Mr. Paul Soulek and the class was 7-8th grade Handbells. I did handbells in grade school, but hadn’t been a part of it since and boy was this a shock! Mr. Soulek had me choose a piece and within a week, I was conducting the choir! I grew as a teacher so much during this experience. I learned from my mistakes as a conductor and leader of a classroom and I gained confidence!

My experience at Seward Middle School was in the Fall of 2017. I was an aide for 5th Grade Band with Mr. Dan Frisbee. Although I did no direct teaching in this experience. I was with the students one-on-one every day helping them figure out their instruments. This class was an eye-opener for me, because it really introduced me to beginning band. I did band in grade school, and then again at Concordia, but I was never really interested in teaching band. After this experience, I was very excited and a little more prepared to teach band. Now a year later, I am absolutely excited and willing to teach beginning/Middle School band!

My most influential field experience came in the Spring of 2018. I was with Mrs. Christy Ruhl at Milford Elementary. My class was 4th grade music! This experience was my first time being in a classroom every single day. Mrs. Ruhl also challenged me as a teacher in several ways. I built relationships with students, played piano several times, and led elements of every lesson she gave. I also taught an entire class period for the first time in this class. I did this several times throughout the semester and each time, I grew more and more comfortable! Mrs. Ruhl was an incredible cooperating teacher and I would love to work with her again. This experience really solidified my desire and passion for teaching, and I will never forget it!

Here is the link for my official field experience hours!

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