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Live Science – Forbidden colors also called Impossible colors are colors we can’t see because the frequencies of these colors are canceled out in the human eye.  Living science explains that it comes from how we perceive color in normal seeing of light that is various intensities of the various frequencies of visible light. Our eyes can’t see colors that are canceled out by other colors. Making our vision to colors limited.

This link its to a Ted Talk of a man who is completely color blind.  With the help of a computer scientist, he developed a device that allows him to hear color. He has taken this hearing of color to new levels including color art and music productions.

​American Academy of Opthomogary – The color we see in objects is not a color that an object has, it is the light wavelengths that the object reflect. Rods and cones in our eye allow us to see an estimated 10 million colors

This Ted Talk looks at the use of color in surgery to better understand the human body and help identify cancer cells among healthy cells.

Hosted by Concordia University, Nebraska | CUNE Portal