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How small are atoms? If you blow up every atom in grapefruit to the size of a blueberry, the grapefruit would be the same size as earth.  Atoms are made of neutrons, electrons, and protons. At the center of an atom is the nucleus, and even when an atom is the size of a blueberry we still won’t be able to see it! Answer: An atom is really small, but the nucleus is even smaller!

Thermal expansion greatly affects our everyday life. We can use pure water in a radiator because when it freezes and expans it would cause cracking to the engine block. however,  the use of Gas in a thermometer is more reliable than mercury Thermometer.  understanding thermal expansion is an important part of our every day lives.

We need food to survive and fuel our bodies. The food calories are based on how much energy is produced when burning food. Only about 10% of that energy is used in the process of digestion. we need the other 90% to live

The pressure around us effects the way thing behave. When the pressure changes it causes phase changes in materials around us. Nitrogen is liquid but when the pressure falls enough it can become solid! 

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