



Abstract, The Art of Design


season 01 episode 01  (netflix series)

The first episode of this Netflix series presents the artist Olafur Eliasson. He works with light, rainbows, prisms, colored class, and more exploring how humankind interacts with light and color. In one exhibition, he presented color swatches of R-O-Y-G-B-I-V on a wall in a room flooded with yellow light. This light essentially made everything lose its color because no white light was reflecting the different colors. People saw themselves, each other, and the color swatches on the wall in only monochromatic colors.



The Science and Benefits Behind OLED Displays


This video discusses the difference between OLED displays and LCD displays. OLED displays use red blue and green organic compounds which emit light themselves while LCD displays use backlit RBG color filters.





June 11, 2010 by Udi Tirsoh –

This article guides one through the process of photographing and forming an anaglyph image.  It explains a method which renders the colored images from two white light photographs.  



The Eye


BCM Families Foundation –

This web page defines cones and rods.  Rods are photo receptors that are sensitive to low intensity light so they are responsible for our peripheral vision and night vision.  There are about 120 million on the retina.   Cones are responsible for visual acuity and decipher colors.

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