



Dinner and a Show–Working Knowledge on Microwave Ovens, The science behind nuking that TV dinner



November 1, 2008, Mark Fischetti  –

The article explains how microwaves utilize a magnetron to create waves heaving the food from the inside. The article also explains that the waves cannot radiate outside of the microwave oven because the wire mesh in the window and metal walls reflect the waves. 




Build a Cooler, A cool science activity from Science Buddies


February 27, 2020, Science Buddies, Ben Finio –

This article briefly discusses the heat transfer of radiation, convection, and conduction.  It then explains how using a cooler or thermal insulator reduced the chance of those forms of heat transfer and shows house the make a a DIY cooler.  



Convection in Water

This video shows convection currents in water when it is heated by placing a burner below a flask of water which contains water with a dye in it.

This video discussed radiation.  It points out two main things:  Radiation in the only way heat can transfer through a vacuum and matte black is the best color for emitting and absorbing radiation. 

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