“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” -Proverbs 22:6
This page includes a number of lessons and resources I have created over the last several years. Some of these I have taught, some I have not, and others aren’t lessons but instead resources that I have created for future reference. My purpose for including each of the following is that I hope you’ll take the time to look through the links and gain some insight about who I am as a teacher.
- I completed my Pre-Clinical Experience during the Spring 2018 semester. These two lessons for 6th Grammar were the first time I was truly able to take over a class and teach a full lesson, so they’re not perfect, but my summative reflection goes into better detail about how I felt about my lessons afterward and how I would improve the segment for future use. Additionally, this SIOP lesson is a later revision I made that tailors specifically to diverse learners.
- This Go-To Math Lesson is one I created in my Secondary Math Methods class as an activity to keep in my back pocket for days when I need a filler lesson to keep different sections at the same spot or when too many students are gone for illness or athletics and I can’t move forward in the unit. I made this lesson specifically for Algebra 1 by using the Flippity extension on Google Sheets, but it can easily be adapted for differentiation, other classes, and other content areas.
- The following links are from my Teaching the Christian Faith class. The class focused largely on preparation for being a Lutheran educator, and in it I created several beneficial resources. First, a Belief and Practice Statement that summarizes my faith and what I believe are some of the most important facets of being a Lutheran educator. I also created a Christian Classroom Plan, which is an action plan that I will utilize to keep Christ at the center of my classroom. Finally, I developed a two day learning segment on the Lord’s Prayer that I didn’t get a chance to teach but plan to implement in the future.
- This unit design is one I developed on The Watsons Go to Birmingham – 1963 during Student Teaching I. The structure utilizes backwards design as taught in Understanding by Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, and it is an intricate revision of how I would teach the novel in the future.
- Finally, these two papers are ones I wrote in my theology class Faith and Life. They aren’t lesson plans and they aren’t belief or action plans, but they were important for me to include here because part of being a Lutheran educator is being able to articulate the doctrine to my students, no matter how sticky. The first paper dissects the faith/good works paradox and the second examines God’s title of “I Am.” I can refer back to these resources down the road when I need help putting thoughts into words.
- Please visit my Resume page for a detailed list of my teaching experience.