
There are a wide variety of teaching styles and learning styles. The experiences listed below are times when I have worked with similar teaching styles and sometimes not. However, each one offered lessons that I am confident I can apply in my classroom.


  • Student Teaching II – Christ Community Lutheran School St. Louis, Missouri- 3rd grade – October 2018
    • Math Centers: My beliefs in math are to have the students as the active learners so in application of this I create/find centers that are based on the math lesson & standards presented. Below are examples of some center options.
    • These are stations that students would do in small groups and the graphics would be placed in a page protector allowing for multiple practices.
Math Center Word Problems Sentence Practice with Partners Number Sentence Practice with Partners
  • Student Teaching I – Lincoln Public School Lincoln, Nebraska – ESL classroom – August 2018
    •  Due to the fact that I was working with ELL students I created files like the ones below that would scaffold their learning in the lesson.
Sequencing WS Problem and Solution WS Character and Setting WS Sentence Cards Set #1 & Sentence Cards Set 2
  • Guided Reading Outline Schedule
    • Based off of the Jan Richardson’s “The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading” this an outline of the options outlined.
  • Strategies Outline
    • This is an excel sheet that outlines the strategies that are implemented in the LPS system that I complied after my experience.
  • Pre-Clinical – A 3- day unit plan in a 2nd grade classroom – May 2018
  • Literature Focus Experience Materials – 3rd  grade classroom –  Spring 2018 – Below is a lesson plan & materials that I used while teaching in the classroom.
    • Graphic Organizer  – This was a graphic organizer that I created to help a third grade class read through their biography.
    • Running Record – After given a DIBELS fluency test I created a running record WS to monitor their scores.
    • Lesson Plan – This was a lesson plan for third grade class based off of the teacher’s materials for singular and plural nouns. I have also attached the materials that I used to scaffold the lesson.
Singular, Plural Pronouns Lesson Plan Example Paragraph for Pronouns


  • Edutopia – The website is full of new articles that shares new ideas and research about teaching. It sends out weekly emails about new article highlights. Being subscribed to this provides new ideas and helps keep me connected.
  • LuthEd Facebook – As a member of the 21st Century, I am using technology as a way to interact with other educators. This is a Facebook group of Lutheran educators that interact through the site to ask  questions and share ideas with other Lutheran teachers.

Learning is an important part of education for both the teacher and the student. These tools help me stay connected and learn new things. This will carry over directly in my teaching allowing me to try new strategies and interventions to help my students.


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